Numinous Definition: Arousing Mysterious, Awe-Inspiring Spiritual Emotions

Numinous, Your Source for Creating Mystical Awareness, Providing Spiritual Inspiration, &  Nurturing Relationships

Like the tenuous, glorious circular rainbow rarely seen, it takes years of conscious thinking in practice to heal emotions, lives, human conditions, and communities. We would love to help unite world thought in a movement for love, peace, and brotherliness.

This website, an experiment in community, enlightenment, spirituality, religion and mindful consciousness invites you to participate in creating content. For more information, please see for our services designed for entrepreneurs. If you are a nonprofit spiritual leader who does not get paid for services, you may submit content directly to us for consideration. 

We believe in prosperity for peace.

with love,

Jeanette JOY Fisher, CS, DPP
Christian Scientist, Design Psychology Practioner, which at first glance may seem contradictory. I believe our environment manifests in our thoughts, practices, and actions. I studied the power of Christian Science healing, the power of positive thinking (turning thoughts around), and the power of home design. We don’t have to believe in the same religion to love and honor one another. Let’s create a healing atmosphere together.