Feel the Excitement of a New Direction
You may know that you’re living your life’s purpose and have a laser focus keeping you on your mission. This post is for those who haven’t achieved their living legacy and believe there is more out there for them to enjoy.
We’ve been programmed to believe that if we follow our passion, everything will magically turn out all right. We’ll get the dream home, fancy car, yacht, private jet, and romantic partner fulfilling all our desires. But what happens if you have those dreams and desires and you’re not living the good life? Worse, what if you’re depressed, tired, and unmotivated?
Perhaps you’ve been told to be grateful for what you have, to take action and to keep on believing. I know that is so hard to do when you’ve been dealt a hard blow. Well, I’m living proof that you can come from the depths of despair and suicide and turn your life in a new direction.
About ten years ago, I was driving my Mustang convertible on a twisty mountain road planning to do a Thelma & Louise turn off the edge. At speeds to high to admit, sobbing over my losses too hard to bear, and completely broken, I realized I could not do this to my remaining children and that I could turn my life in a new direction. So, I turned toward the beach and a new life.
When you have the notion to create a new life for yourself, anything becomes possible. Feel the excitement! Turn your crazy sadness into mindful joy! Create a vision board, a life plan, and start learning new skills. You’re never too old to start something new. Ask my 93-year-old mother, Artist Jayne St John, dancing with Elvis below.
Take the first step and live in joy. Read #JoyTrain posts on Twitter to inspire yourself. I “tweeted my life away” and found a support team, great friends, and traveled the world because of Twitter.